Big Data is a new issue proposed in recent years. With the development ofinformation technology, the progress of networks and the universal application of avariety of mobile terminals, the amount of data that people are facing is increasingrapidly. Such situation is reflected in all aspects of life. People are facing an era ofbig data. At the same time, with the disappearance of the second industrialrevolution, the third industrial revolution is born to life.The traditional managemen-t continues to be mentioned. Faced with this situation, the changes of the big dataprocessing and management become inevitable existence and must be considered.
Tis paper will combine the two aspects mentioned to start with the big data,weexplain what big data is and the main technologies based on cloud computing andthen analyse the management changes and challenges brought by big data.Combi-ng the big data and the management thought the model of management evolution.We present the new model of management based on big data processing.Themodel will combine the information science and management science to proposea feasible solution for solving the issues that the companies would face in era ofbig data. This paper would feasibility and further proposed a model to solve theproblem. This paper would integrate the methods of the big data processing intoidea of flat management to present a framework of information processing in thenew mode.
This paper consists of five chapters, which are organized as follows:
The first chapter is introduction. This chapter focuses on the background ofthe ,describes the research status of the big data and explains the significance andthe purpose of our paper. The structure of this paper would also be described in thischapter.
The second chapter explains the big data during definiting what the big data isand describes its features and explains the two key technologies of big data: assivedata storage based on cloud computing and data security in the cloud.
The third chapter describe the changes and challenges of Firstly, illustratingthe changes of traditional management from different aspects, and then explainsthe chanllenges.
In the fourth chapter, we present and explain the evolution model of managem-ent changes and explain what it is .From it we present the model of the manageme-nt pattern based on big data.
The fifth chapter introduce the key of the new management model is informati-on processing and designs a new information processing mode of themanagementmode based on the big data.
Keywords: big data, management changes,cloud computing
目 录
摘 要
目 录
第 1 章 绪论
1.1 选题背景
1.2 本文研究意义和目的
1.3 研究现状
1.3.1 国外研究现状
1.3.2 国内研究现状
1.4 研究内容
1.5 论文的组织结构
第 2 章 大数据和大数据技术分析
2.1 大数据简介
2.2 大数据处理技术
2.2.1 海量数据的存储
2.2.2 数据安全和隐私保护
第 3 章 大数据带来的管理变革和挑战
3.1 大数据带来的管理变革
3.1.1 管理结构的超扁平化
3.1.2 营销模式高度网络化
3.1.3 生产方式的智能化
3.1.4 物流服务的智慧化
3.2 大数据带来的管理挑战
第 4 章 基于大数据处理的管理模型
4.1 管理变革演进的模型
4.2 基于大数据处理的管理模型
第 5 章 基于大数据处理的管理模式下信息处理框架设计
5.1 需求分析
5.2 信息处理构架
第 6 章 总结与展望